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EOC Membership Application Form

Ealing Outdoor Club runs a programme of Sunday walks, weekends away and social events throughout the year. Membership of the Club allows you to participate in any of these activities, a programme of which is emailed to members quarterly.  No email address?  Don’t worry, we can of course provide printed programmes in such circumstances.

Membership of the Club is £15.00 for adults and £7.50 for under 18s.

To join, please complete the form below and return it to us, along with your membership subscription.  


Payments can be made by

Bank transfer

Account No. 00087604, Sort Code: 30-92-82


Payable to 'Ealing Outdoor Club', or cash direct to the Treasurer.  


If paying by bank transfer, please email the form to Otherwise, please hand the form and membership subscription to a member of the committee or post it (but please do not send cash in the post) to the Treasurer at: Ealing Outdoor Club, 9 Grayling Court, Grange Road, London, W5 5QP

Pay by        

Please provide the name and telephone number of someone we can contact in an emergency

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